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Miss MacDonald Has A Farm picture book cover by Kalee Gwarjanski

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My name is Kalee Gwarjanski

I'm a homeschooling mom to 4 book-loving kiddos living in the woods of Maine with my always patient husband. I received both my bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master of Science in Teaching from the University of Maine. Between degrees, I followed my passion of food by attending Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute in Ottawa. I currently serve as Family Life Coordinator at my church.


My love for books started way before all that. I vividly remember reading “Chrysanthemum” by Kevin Henkes in the library corner during kindergarten. And once I started reading, I devoured books as fast as my dad could put them on my bookshelf. Sharing that love with my children each day is truly the best gift.


I worked as a personal chef before writing picture books full time. My stories are sometimes silly, often lyrical, and nearly always include food. I write to encourage children and their families to learn about where their food comes from and most importantly to have fun in the kitchen.


When I am not writing or cooking, I enjoy kayaking, hiking, and crafting.


Let's be honest - I'm probably cleaning something off of someone.


I am represented by Jen Newens of Martin Literary Agency

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